
Ikan jenis arapaima ini bernafas di udara banyak hidup di hutan amazon di amerika selatan dan danau danau sekitarnya. Genus arapaima is the type genus of the family arapaimidae.

Arapaima Facts And Photos

Ini Ancaman Pidana Untuk Pelepas Arapaima Net Z

Arapaima Gigas Ikan Predator Yang Bernilai Ekonomis

The species is an obligate air breather and needs to come to the surface regularly to gulp air.


Saat ini sudah sangat jarang terdapat arapaima yang berukuran lebih dari 2 meter karena ikan ini sering ditangkapi untuk dikonsumsi penduduk atau diekspor ke negara lain.
Once believed to be the sole species in the genus it is among the largest freshwater fish.
The arapaima pirarucu or paiche is any large species of bonytongue in the genus arapaima native to the amazon and essequibo basins of south america.

Arapaima synonyms arapaima pronunciation arapaima translation english dictionary definition of arapaima.
Arapaima gigas also known as pirarucu is a species of arapaima native to the basin of the amazon river.
They are among the worlds largest freshwater fish reaching as much as 3 m 98 ft.

Also called pirarucu.
A large south american freshwater food fish that can attain a length of up to 3 meters.
N a very large primitive freshwater.

The arapaima is a massive yet sleek streamlined freshwater fish native to the streams of the amazon river basin.
Situs national geograpic mencatat ikan arapaima gigas juga biasa disebut paiche atau pirarucu.
Arapaima pirarucu atau paiche arapaima gigas adalah jenis ikan air tawar terbesar di dunia yang berasal dari perairan daerah tropis amerika selatanikan arapaima dapat tumbuh maksimal sepanjang 3 meter dan berat 200 kilogram.

It can breathe air allowing it to survive in pools with low water levels or decaying vegetation.

Fakta Ikan Predator Asal Amazon Yang Nyasar Ke Indonesia Hitekno Com

Fao Fisheries Aquaculture Cultured Aquatic Species Information

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